Episode 28: Conspiracies Declassified: Brian DunningYou may think conspiracy theories are just kooky ideas embraced by your unemployed brother-in-law and other quirky people on the fringes...
Guest appearance on the Tom Woods ShowLast week I was a guest on the Tom Woods Show. We talked about Deniers For Hire, a project I've been working on with the American Council...
My latest at RCS: Anti-Glyphosate Activists Are 'Merchants of Doubt'"Anti-GMO activists argue with religious certainty that the weedkiller glyphosate (Monsanto’s Roundup) is dangerous, deadly even. But in...
My Latest in Forbes, two new Podcast Episodes on the WayI have three new articles out. The first is a piece in Forbes co-authored with Kavin Senapathy about converting science deniers. Next up...
Diet soda still won't make you fat - New StudyLately I've gone on a streak of reviewing studies looking at the effects of low-calorie sweeteners, specifically those in diet soda, on...